Monday, July 31, 2006

Dry and Thirsty

Hello everybody! It's been a while seen my last blog........sorry about that, just trying to collect my thoughts. Well, yesterday church was always seems to amaze me how God can reveal himself in a very compelling way. As David lead worship he started singing:

"We thirst for you, we search for you
In a dry and barren land, we're longing for your hand
To guide us to, a place where you
Can cleanse us with your rain, baptize us once again
We thirst for you"

and from then on everything just started flowing together. Pastor Tommy prayed for healing in every area of your body and when he said "oh put your hand on your neck if you need a healing in that area" I put the smack down on my neck. Then there was a word of prophecy that basically said: "I (God) am coming back...until then just let go, give everything're holding back so much stuff, now is the time. Now that's paraphrase but hopefully you get the idea.

Relating that to me: The Fall '06 semester is about to start and I'm so exciting, but I'm a little scared about the new responsibilities that I will have. Don't take this the wrong way......I'm thrilled to be helping out with all of the ministries, but I don't want to ..........ummmmm............ okay what I'm trying to say is that I don't want to disappoint anybody. I struggle so much with that.........cause I know that dealing w/ life there's gonna be mess-ups and failures, but I have very high expectation in different areas of my life.



Anyways I know that everything will work always does!!! Do you have anything that you're nervous about for this Fall semester?

Come on leave me a comment! Until next time remember that Jesus is Lord!

:) Ciji

Monday, July 10, 2006

Leaders do the right things

"Reputation is made in a moment. Character is built in a lifetime." --> James Leggett

2nd Minute Motivators for Leaders:

The next reading is about Character. "Leaders of character are more concerned with doing the right thing than they are in doing things right." Personal, I've found that people (me included) want to be leaders but they don't have the right motives or intentions. Along with not having the right motives you sometimes don't have the right approach or method. In the end, the great leader is not the person who can simply get the job done. It is the person who knows how to link motives with methods. "Leadership that makes a difference includes a personal willingness to do the right thing. It's not easy but life in general in not easy. Well, until the next entry, try to encourage and uplift some people today.

Don't forget to holla-back with a comment,

Yours truly,
:) Ciji

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Leaders rub shoulders with great leaders.

"Anyone who influences others is a leader." --> Chuck Swindoll

Today I started reading this book called Minute Motivators for Leaders. The first reading starts off with Association and this great line, "If we are known by the company we keep, then the company we keep ought to inspire and invigorate us to greatness." I don't know about you but sometimes I wonder if the people that I fellowship with is really helping me in my christian walk or pushing me back. Just a little food for thought on this wonderful day. Until the next entry, remember that love is the foundation of all your relationships.

Don't forget to holla-back with a comment,

Yours truly,
:) Ciji