Monday, June 19, 2006

The New Beginning

Hello everyone! Along with this new blog account I am also starting a new chapter in my life. It consist of moving away from home and into the Chi Alpha dorms. That was a big leap but it had to be made. With my new home I get to fellowship with alot more people, one of them being Charly (codename) LOL, my rootmate. More details late but for now I'll leave you with a scripture:

Pro. 13:20

"He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed."

With that being said I would just like to thank those who have imported wisdom into my life....
April and Amanda, my sis Hope, and there's more but I'll save those for later. Until next blog stay true to your commitments and beliefs.

Oh and don't forget to holla-back with a comment,

:) G-Unit

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